Top 10 Poorest Countries of the World in 2013

Our planet, Earth, hosts a good number of countries. Some of them are highly developed, prosperous, and rich, whereas the others are highly poor. The later are even deprived of the basic necessities of life. This article is an attempt to highlight those countries which are regarded as the poorest of all the countries. Following is the list of top 10 poorest countries in the world 2013. This list is based on different variables, such as the per capita income of the nation, the level of development in each of them, and the availability of the basic necessities of life. However, the suffering of millions of people is common in these countries, with very little degree of variations. The study of these top 10 poorest countries of the world in 2013 reflects that world still needs to do a good deal of work in order to bring smile on the faces of millions of people who are deprived of the basic facilities.

10. Togo
Togolese Republic is located in the West Africa, and is one of the poorest countries in the world. The people of this country are subject to face a number of problems including scarcity of food, unavailability of basic health facilities and many more. Togo is a home to almost 6.7 million people. It is estimated that the GDP per capita of Togo is almost $830.
9. Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone is not in the list of largest countries but government of this country is unable to provide basic facilities to population which is almost half a million. This African country has well enough economic resources to support the need of its inhabitants, but the social unrest, violence and injustice has plagued the lives of millions of people living in it. It is estimated that the per capita GDP of this country is $780.
8. Central African Republic
With the estimated per capita GDP of $760, Central African Republic constitutes the 8th position on our list of top 10 poorest countries in the world. The greatest source of income of the nation is largely agricultural products. The social unrest, violent activities, and other social problems have kept the country away from the path of development and progress.
7. Malawi
Malawi is very similar to Sierra Leone and it is world’s 100th largest country by area. Like other African countries it has many ethnic groups. The per capita GDP of Malawi is expected to be almost $733, slightly higher than Eritria. Malawi is also a home of great number of social problems that are proving to be the greatest hurdle in the development of its people.
6. Eritrea
Eritrea is another African country that is hit by poverty and other social problems. Although the country is blessed with great natural resources, such as uranium, which can help boost the economy of the nation, yet the combination of different problems including social violence, lack of strong political leadership and many more have resulted in the suffering of millions of people living in this country. The GDP per capita of Eritrea is almost $730.
5. Somalia
Somalia, which is largely famous of pirates at the international level. It has been termed as the most dangerous country to live in 2013 not just because of terrorists but its economic condition also plays its role to make it worst country of the world. The basic reason of terrorism in Somalia is poverty so people find it easy to make use of weapons to get money. It is estimated that the per capita GDP of Somalia is $600. The people of Somalia have been facing severe hunger and health issues for many past years.
4. Burundi
Burundi is often regarded as the home of diseases. This country has witnessed severe plagues, tropical and subtropical diseases. The per capita GDP of Burundi I estimated to be $410. The last year study of DHL declares it least globalized country in the world. The health facilities are not available to the masses and HIV is one of the most common diseases in this part of the world.
3. Liberia
Liberia has a GDP of $360 which is 3rd lowest GDP in the world. Liberia is also one of the filthiest countries of the world, as there are no proper arrangements of sanitation and other basic facilities of life. Statistics of World Bank show that there has been improvement in the availability of drinking water. Almost half of its population is surviving on less than $1 per day.
2. Democratic Republic of the Congo
Like other African nations, it has a long history of colonization but unlike its neighboring countries it was colonized by Belgium. It gained independence in 1960 but its economy never got respectable position in 53 years of independence. Congo has also faced a long and unending serious of social militant conflicts which has plagues the development of the country. The estimated per capita GDP of Congo is almost $355.
1. Zimbabwe
Here comes the name which is regarded as the world’s poorest country in 2013. Zimbabwe is a home of very precious metals, minerals and other natural resources. Diamonds are one of the most significant features of this country, however, the political conflicts that turn out to be militant conflicts in no time have made the lives of people pity. It is one of the countries which were colonized at end of 19th century and British colonizers left it very late. The minds of the people are still colonized and the term “neocolonialism” can be rightly used for this country which has been ruled by authoritative rulers. It is an interesting thing to note that its latest constitution was approved by parliament 3 months ago.

Top 10 Most Dangerous Animal Species ( Including Human Being in List)

10. Cape Buffalo

Cape Buffalo
The 1.5 ton heavy African Cape Buffalo is dangerous especially due to its unpredictable nature. In addition, when it feels in danger, it uses its razor sharp horns to attack its enemy. It is listed as one of the five most dangerous animals to hunt (one of the Big Five Game) which makes it a special trophy for the most daring hunters. Due to its dangerous nature and the threat it poses to humans, it is also known as The Black Death in Africa where it is responsible for most deaths per year of the humans by an animal. Also, it is known to go after and attack the hunter who wounds it. Therefore, think twice before crossing the path of the Cape Buffalo!

9. Polar Bear

Polar Bear
A Polar Bear is said to be the most carnivorous bear. Its diet mainly consists of ringed seals but it has also killed and fed upon bigger animals such as walruses and beluga whales. Its common hunting style is ‘still-method’ where it silently waits for its prey (the seal) and the moment it smells the seal’s breath, it uses its paw to drag the seal out and bite its head, crushing it. It is especially aggressive when its cubs are in danger and also when it encounters humans while hungry, it attacks viciously. Polar Bears can cut-off a person’s head with a single swipe of their paw. Do not let their cute look fool you!

8. Elephant

Elephants are large mammals where the male African elephant is the largest terrestrial animal. Elephants can weigh around 16 tonnes and have large tusks which can be used as weapons. Although elephants are herbivores, they nevertheless pose a threat to the humans especially when they trample on their houses in the villages. Elephants are said to kill around 600 people every year mainly through stamping.

7. Australian Saltwater Crocodile

Australian Saltwater Crocodile
The Australian Saltwater Crocodile is the largest living reptile and the largest riparian predator. Its length can reach up to 23 feet. It is a terrifying predator with the strongest bite. It uses its bite to hold on to its prey while it uses its famous ‘death-roll’ to suffocate and drown its prey. It preys on not only fish but also birds, mammals, and otherpredators. It is said to kill about 2000 people every year.

6. African Lion

African Lion
Lions are second largest cats after tigers. They are strong predators who preferably hunt in groups. They prey upon mammals mostly, including deers and buffaloes. Some male lions are said to hunt humans too where the most famous ones are the ‘Tasavo man-eaters’. These lions took away 28 railway works in Kenya (1898), spreading a wave of terror in the area. African lions are said to kill around 250 people each year.

5. Great White Shark

Great White Shark
The Great White Shark looks like a formidable creature, reaching 20 feet in length. It is the largest predatory fish and is listed as number 1 for most attacks on humans. These sharks do not particularly target humans but most of their attacks are ‘test-bites’ where they are curious about how the human (an unfamiliar object for the shark) tastes. Since 1990, there have been 139 Great White Shark attacks on humans of which 29 proved to be fatal. Humans are not good for this shark’s digestive system so most of the human deaths occur due to blood loss.

4. Australian Box Jellyfish

Australian Box Jellyfish
The Box Jellyfish commonly refers to its most dangerous specie, Chironex fleckeri. It is known as the most venomous creature. Its 3 meter long tentacles have enough venom to kill 60 people. If untreated, its venom can cause death within a short time of 3 minutes. Often, the swimmers who get stung by this jellyfish have a cardiac arrest and drown before help can be found. However, there are hospitals and ambulances near the areas where these jellyfish are found so help should be called immediately in case of a stinging incident. It is said to have killed 5567 people since 1884.

3. Black Mamba

Black Mamba
The Black Mamba is one of sub-Saharan Africa’s most feared snakes and the fastest land snake in the World (maximum speed is around 5.4 m/s). It is a highly aggressive snake especially when threatened and has very toxic venom. Its bite is fatal unless treated immediately and vigorously. Before the antidote was found, its bite was 100% fatal. After detecting a prey, a black mamba will freeze and then dash forward to inflict several bites, killing its prey. It not only preys on mammals and birds but also other snakes (such as Cape cobra).

2. Mosquito

The mosquito, even though, small, is very dangerous. It is the transmitter of the malaria parasite, causing around 2 million deaths every year. Other fatal diseases transmitted by mosquitoes include the yellow fever and the dengue fever. Prevention from these diseases is linked with effective eradication of mosquitoes. Mosquito repellants, insecticides, and clearance of stagnant water where mosquito larvae grow are some of the preventive methods.

1. Man (Referring to the human species in general)

Man, belonging to the kingdom Animilia, is the most dangerous species; foremost reason being its free-will and its agency. Man is not only responsible for destroying his environment (leading to global warming and destruction of habitats of various species), killing other animals, and killing fellow men, but most dangerously he is responsible for the heinous acts which no other species can commit. It is man who commits rape, who has devised ways of torture, who has committed genocide in the name of ethnic cleansing, and in addition, who has devised the atomic bomb. No other species seem to match the vast extent of atrocities that man has and is capable of committing; therefore, it is the most dangerous animal on this planet.

Top 10 Countries With Most Facebook Users 2013

10. Germany

The number of Facebook users is widely increasing in Germany. It is estimated that every German out of three uses Facebook. The total number of Facebook users in Germany is estimated to be 25.2 million which places it on the number ten on the list of top 10 countries with most Facebook users in 2013.

9. France

France also holds a great number of Facebook users. It is estimated that the 39% of total French population uses Facebook for various purposes such as to interact with their loved ones, for social networking, for educational purposes, for political campaigns and so on.

8. Philippines

With more than 30.2 million users in the country, Philippines on 8th position on the list of top 10 countries with most Facebook users. It is interesting to note that the number of Facebook users in this country is increasing by each passing day. It is estimated that every one out of three inhabitants of this country is on Facebook.

7. Turkey

Turkish nation is getting rapidly modernized ever since the fall of Ottoman Empire. In pursuit of getting the membership of European Union, it is observed that Turkey is following the latest trends prevailing in the west, in particular. The number of Facebook users in Turkey is also very large. It is estimated that there are totally 32.3 million, i.e. 44% of total population, users of Facebook in Turkey.

6. United Kingdom

The half of the total 62.6 million population of UK is estimated to be the user of Facebook. Due to these figures, UK holds the 6th position on our list of top 10 countries with most Facebook users.

5. Mexico

With 39.8 million users of this great website of social networking, this country is on 5th position on our list. It is estimated that more than 35.6% of total population of this country uses Facebook for different purposes.

4. Indonesia

Indonesia has a huge population and is regarded as largest Muslim country of the world. The total number of Facebook users in Indonesia is 48.8 million. It is estimated that every one out of five Indonesian uses Facebook. It is also observed that the number of users of Facebook is rapidly increasing in Indonesia and this figure would further increase in the near future.

3. India

India is one of the most densely populated countries of world with population of almost one billion. There are more than 61.7 million registered accounts of Facebook in the country. But it is also estimated that the many of the accounts of Facebook in India are fake. However, India enjoys the 3rd position on the list of top 10 countries with most Facebook users.

2. Brazil

Another developing nation of the world, Brazil also holds a great number of Facebook users in the country. There are almost 65.6 million users of Facebook in Brazil which helps it to hold the 2nd position on the list of top 10 countries with most Facebook users.

01. United States

USA, the most advanced country in the field of information technology, is one the top of our list. It is estimated that there are almost 165 million users of Facebook in entire United States of America and this figure is expected to rise more in the near future, particularly with the introduction of Facebook applications in mobile phones of almost all standards.

10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Nelson Mandela

1. Mandela’s tribal nickname is “Rolihlahla,” meaning “Troublemaker.”
Other accounts translate Rolihlalhla to mean “to pull a branch from a tree,” which, of course, is something only a troublemaker would do. It was his teacher, Miss Mdingane, who gave him the English name “Nelson,” much to the relief of journalists everywhere when he became famous.

2. Mandela was expelled from university after less than a year.
After finishing boarding school, Mandela headed to Fort Hare Missionary College. Less than 12 months later, he was expelled from college for helping to organize a strike against the white colonial rule of the institution. One might call this foreshadowing.

3. The United Nations decreed his birthday as Mandela Day.
In 2009, the U.N. declared Mandela’s birthday, July 18, as Mandela Day to mark his contribution to world freedom. The holiday calls on individuals to donate 67 minutes to doing something for others, reflecting the 67 years that Mandela had been a part of the anti-apartheid movement.
4.  Mandela is often referred to as Madiba, his Xhosa clan name
Mandela is a member of the Thembu, a Xhosa clan, and is often referred to by his clan name, Madiba. It is a sign of the incredible diversity of people and languages in South Africa. The country has 11 different official languages.
5. Mandela’s father had four wives, and Nelson is one of 13 children.
Mandela’s father, a local chief and councellor to the Thembu king, died from tuberculosis when his son was 9. Before that, he fathered 13 children by four wives, four boys and nine  girls. After his father’s death, Mandela was put under the guardianship of Jongintaba, the Thembu regent.

6. Mandela has received more than 250 awards for his accomplishments.
Among these awards is the shared 1993 Nobel Peace Prize with F.W. de Klerk, the last president of the apartheid government of South Africa (he too is widely credited as an instrumental force in ending apartheid). Additionally, Mandela has received more than 50 honorary degrees from international universities worldwide, became the first honorary Canadian citizen in 2001, and received the last Lenin Peace Prize from the Soviet Union

7. Stevie Wonder dedicated his 1985 Oscar for “I Just Called to Say I Love You” to Mandela.
After Stevie accepted his award in honor of Nelson Mandela, the government-owned South African Broadcasting Corporation banned Stevie’s music from the airways. It wasn’t until Mandela was elected in 1994 that Stevie was finally allowed back in South Africa.

8. Mandela outlived his two oldest sons.
Mandela had six children, but tragically lost his two oldest sons. Thembi died in a car crash at age 25. Mandela was in prison at the time of the death and was unable to attend the funeral. Another son died of AIDS in 2005 at age 54. While Mandela’s administration was criticized for not doing enough to fight the AIDS epidemic in South Africa, he established the Nelson Mandela Foundation in 1999 following his retirement to help fight the spread of AIDS.

9. Mandela ran away from home at age of 19.
When his guardian tried to arrange a marriage, Mandela ran away from home in 1941 and headed to Johannesburg. He began to work as a night watchman at Crown Mines, but was fired after it was discovered that he was the Thembu regent’s runaway.

10. Mandela spent his first night after being freed from prison in Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu’s home.
Tutu had his helpers prepare his own favorite meal of chicken curry, rice and green salad, followed by rum raisin ice cream and custard.